Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Two Fashionistas Get Caught In The Rain :)

Hello everyone,

  Today's report is still going to be on fashion, but you will also get to here about a story. A story in which two fashionistas get caught in the rain that we had here in Glendale, Arizona on Sunday.

  Two fashionistas (Kate and Emily) decided to take Kate's dog for a walk. It all started off well. I mean yes it was a little cold, but we were ok. As these two fashionistas were walking along they saw two adult ducks/ geeses and their 4 adorable babies waddling along. But there was a problem. You see the baby ducks got under the gate just fine, but the parent ducks/ geeses couldn't get under the gate, because they were to tall and to big. They couldn't just waddle under the gate like their babies. So the two fashionistas stopped walking and noticed the ducks/ geeses. They knew that there was something that they could do to help. So bravely Fashionista 1 (Emily) walks over without getting bitten and opens the gate for the ducks to go through. But the ducks didn't go through the gate opening. So then Fashionista 2 (Kate) tries to open the gate. But the ducks still wouldn't go through! Then all of a sudden it started to pour! So fashionistas 1 and 2 (Kate and Emily) knew that they tried to help the ducks the best that they could :( So the 2 fashionistas ran to a house in which they knew who lived there and just stayed under their porch for shelter. 2 minutes later Kate's mom comes by in her car looking 4 us. Kate's mom found the fashionistas and Kate's dog and gave them a ride home :) On the way home the 2 fashionistas saw that the parent ducks/ geeses finally got under the gate and were with their 4 adorable babies swimming away :) Kate, Kate's dog, and Emily are now all safe and sound :)

After the wet adventure here's  what I would rate the fashionista's outfits.
Clothes = SOAKED!!!!!!
Hair = messy and wet

  Bye for now,
Fashionista Kate

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