Saturday, March 31, 2012

Smurfette/ Katy Perry

Hello, as most of you know Katy Perry recently did a voice over as smurfette.Today we are going to talk about both of there styles.

              First lets talk about smurfette. Smurfette is a spunky female smurf , she is the only girl among 99 boys. Her style is pretty simple a nice dress, her hair down and a casual cap. In the movie however she discovers a more in depth sense of fashion when she learns she can have more than one outfit.I rate her an 80.

       Now for Katy Perry, as you know she is an amazing singing sensation. Her style is very loud, proud and funky. You can often see her however in wigs and bright colorful clothing. I rate her an 88.

- Bye for now fashionista Emily :)

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