Monday, March 26, 2012

Fashion Police Chase..

Fashion police chase, you're probably wondering what that means.  Well lets just say it ain't pretty.  

It all started when the three fashionista's wanted to take a nice quite stroll around the glistening lake.  Grabbing the keys to get out the locked gate, and opening the sliding door was all it took for the boys to notice what they were doing.  At this point the girls thought the boys didn't know where they were going.  Still taking their time, the girls trying to open the gate, struggling to find the right keys to open it.  This was when the boys came rushing out, wondering where we were going.  The three girls looked at each over wondering what to say without sounding rude, or having the possibility of the boys coming with them.  You see however, it looked a lot like heading out to the lake so the boys started jumping up and down pleading for them to come with us.  The girls exchanged looks, and brave Emily announced that they had to ask first.  So the boys ran inside shouting, "WAIT FOR US!!"  Instantly Jasmine unlocked the gate, took the keys, and motioned for the other girls to follow.  Then locking the gate back up, and taking the keys, the girls started to run.  Running was a safe thing to do, but only on dry grass.  As the girls ran, Jasmine stopped and looked at her sweat pants and shoes.  She sighed.  "EWWWW, Look at this!  I have mud all over my shoes and mud is everywhere over my pants... lets just hope that's mud."  After complaining and rolling up their pants, the girls ran once again.  It got to the point that they couldn't see Emily's house, so they started to walk thinking it was safe.  Wrong.  All of a sudden Kate turned around and cried out, "THE BOYS.  THEY'RE COMING, WE HAVE TO RUN, COME ON!"  So the girls ran, but it went on for a while.  After this long period of time Emily begged for us to stop.  She said she knew a shortcut, but it would interfere with the boys.  Jasmine and Kate glanced faces and denied Emily's request, running the other direction leaving Emily behind as she would not follow.

"THIS WAY.", shouted Jasmine as they ran out of the muddy lake and in to a nice neighborhood.  Catching their breath again, Kate started to worry about Emily.  So we waited, and waited, and waited for Emily to turn up.  No luck, instead there came Jasmine's brother, Joe speeding round the corner with a wicked smile.  The two girls screamed and ran, making a lot of commotion.  When Emily heard that scream, she came barreling over, but to find the girls gone.  Instead there came two old couples, screaming at Emily to quiet down.  Emily now worried about the noise called Jasmine, and to tell her it's time to quit the game."  Meeting back up with Emily, dirty, smelly, and tired the three girls laughed and told what happened to Emily when they left her.  Emily explained that she was worried about her brother,so she went to look for him, finding him with Kate's brother; Trask.  So all was good, other than the messy clothes and the stingy smell.

Overall I had a great time, and can't wait to do it again ;)

Bye for now, 

Fashionista Jasmine<3.

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