Saturday, March 31, 2012

Smurfette/ Katy Perry

Hello, as most of you know Katy Perry recently did a voice over as smurfette.Today we are going to talk about both of there styles.

              First lets talk about smurfette. Smurfette is a spunky female smurf , she is the only girl among 99 boys. Her style is pretty simple a nice dress, her hair down and a casual cap. In the movie however she discovers a more in depth sense of fashion when she learns she can have more than one outfit.I rate her an 80.

       Now for Katy Perry, as you know she is an amazing singing sensation. Her style is very loud, proud and funky. You can often see her however in wigs and bright colorful clothing. I rate her an 88.

- Bye for now fashionista Emily :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Messy Brownies

Here is a story about a messy cooking adventure that ended to be  yummy brownies.

So the three Fashionistas were all at Emily's house.  They decided to make brownies which started very fun!!!  However it got a bit messy when someone spilled flour all over our stylish aprons. We wiped it off and went back to cooking......This was fine until the mixer got too fast and bits of batter flew everywhere!!!  Even after this adventure the brownies were still delicious and we had a great time eating the leftovers of the delicious brownies. :)

Thanks see you next time Emily


Selena Gomez is styling a wonderful outfit that screams sparkle!!

Hair: nice and perrfect 100

Accesories: not many but the ones she has are cute 87

Shoes : Amazing 98 


Overall Selena gomez gets a 96. Thx Fashionista Emily

Katy Perry- Sparkly Outift

Katy Perry's outfit is defiantly sparkly, and looks incredible!!

Overall I would rate her a 97%

Hair: Straight, and natural hair color looks great on her.

Makeup: Not too thick and not too little, just right.
Outfit: Very cute, but not liking the middle where it splits, it doesn't look good, and would look better wrapped up.

Jewelry: L.O.V.E. the earrings, bracelet, and her nails look cute:)

That's all, thanks for watching and will blog away soon!!:)

Fashionista- Jasmine:)

Fashion Police Chase..

Fashion police chase, you're probably wondering what that means.  Well lets just say it ain't pretty.  

It all started when the three fashionista's wanted to take a nice quite stroll around the glistening lake.  Grabbing the keys to get out the locked gate, and opening the sliding door was all it took for the boys to notice what they were doing.  At this point the girls thought the boys didn't know where they were going.  Still taking their time, the girls trying to open the gate, struggling to find the right keys to open it.  This was when the boys came rushing out, wondering where we were going.  The three girls looked at each over wondering what to say without sounding rude, or having the possibility of the boys coming with them.  You see however, it looked a lot like heading out to the lake so the boys started jumping up and down pleading for them to come with us.  The girls exchanged looks, and brave Emily announced that they had to ask first.  So the boys ran inside shouting, "WAIT FOR US!!"  Instantly Jasmine unlocked the gate, took the keys, and motioned for the other girls to follow.  Then locking the gate back up, and taking the keys, the girls started to run.  Running was a safe thing to do, but only on dry grass.  As the girls ran, Jasmine stopped and looked at her sweat pants and shoes.  She sighed.  "EWWWW, Look at this!  I have mud all over my shoes and mud is everywhere over my pants... lets just hope that's mud."  After complaining and rolling up their pants, the girls ran once again.  It got to the point that they couldn't see Emily's house, so they started to walk thinking it was safe.  Wrong.  All of a sudden Kate turned around and cried out, "THE BOYS.  THEY'RE COMING, WE HAVE TO RUN, COME ON!"  So the girls ran, but it went on for a while.  After this long period of time Emily begged for us to stop.  She said she knew a shortcut, but it would interfere with the boys.  Jasmine and Kate glanced faces and denied Emily's request, running the other direction leaving Emily behind as she would not follow.

"THIS WAY.", shouted Jasmine as they ran out of the muddy lake and in to a nice neighborhood.  Catching their breath again, Kate started to worry about Emily.  So we waited, and waited, and waited for Emily to turn up.  No luck, instead there came Jasmine's brother, Joe speeding round the corner with a wicked smile.  The two girls screamed and ran, making a lot of commotion.  When Emily heard that scream, she came barreling over, but to find the girls gone.  Instead there came two old couples, screaming at Emily to quiet down.  Emily now worried about the noise called Jasmine, and to tell her it's time to quit the game."  Meeting back up with Emily, dirty, smelly, and tired the three girls laughed and told what happened to Emily when they left her.  Emily explained that she was worried about her brother,so she went to look for him, finding him with Kate's brother; Trask.  So all was good, other than the messy clothes and the stingy smell.

Overall I had a great time, and can't wait to do it again ;)

Bye for now, 

Fashionista Jasmine<3.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Two Fashionistas Get Caught In The Rain :)

Hello everyone,

  Today's report is still going to be on fashion, but you will also get to here about a story. A story in which two fashionistas get caught in the rain that we had here in Glendale, Arizona on Sunday.

  Two fashionistas (Kate and Emily) decided to take Kate's dog for a walk. It all started off well. I mean yes it was a little cold, but we were ok. As these two fashionistas were walking along they saw two adult ducks/ geeses and their 4 adorable babies waddling along. But there was a problem. You see the baby ducks got under the gate just fine, but the parent ducks/ geeses couldn't get under the gate, because they were to tall and to big. They couldn't just waddle under the gate like their babies. So the two fashionistas stopped walking and noticed the ducks/ geeses. They knew that there was something that they could do to help. So bravely Fashionista 1 (Emily) walks over without getting bitten and opens the gate for the ducks to go through. But the ducks didn't go through the gate opening. So then Fashionista 2 (Kate) tries to open the gate. But the ducks still wouldn't go through! Then all of a sudden it started to pour! So fashionistas 1 and 2 (Kate and Emily) knew that they tried to help the ducks the best that they could :( So the 2 fashionistas ran to a house in which they knew who lived there and just stayed under their porch for shelter. 2 minutes later Kate's mom comes by in her car looking 4 us. Kate's mom found the fashionistas and Kate's dog and gave them a ride home :) On the way home the 2 fashionistas saw that the parent ducks/ geeses finally got under the gate and were with their 4 adorable babies swimming away :) Kate, Kate's dog, and Emily are now all safe and sound :)

After the wet adventure here's  what I would rate the fashionista's outfits.
Clothes = SOAKED!!!!!!
Hair = messy and wet

  Bye for now,
Fashionista Kate

Monday, March 19, 2012

Taylor Swift's Sparkly Outfit is put to the Test :)

Hi again,
Our assignment was to find the sparkliest outfit of one of our assingned celebrities. My chosen celebrity was the popular country/pop singer Taylor Swift! I would rate her a 100%!

Clothing- PERFECT! it's stylish and it's the perfect sparkly dress
Hair- i love the curls :)
Accessories- the earings just add the perfect touch to the outfit :)

  As you can see Taylor Swift exceeded our fashion test!

                                 bye for now :)
                             Fashionista Kate 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Cute Puppies

Hi again Fashionista Kate here and today I am reporting on these two adorable puppies!
I would rate them a 100%, because they have cute clothes and the PERFECT accessories!
Clothes- 100% they're stylish and comfortable
Accessories- 100% i absolutely love the bows and they are very cute

  Fashionista Kate

Kate's Report on Jasmine's Outfit (:

I would rate Jasmine's outfit a 100%.
*Clothes-100% it's a very nice and casual outfit in my opinion
*Shoes- casual flip flops
*Accesories- 100% very cute, and it's an adorable sparkley bracelt

  Jasmine scored a 100% which means that she totally exceeded the fashion test. :)

    Bye for now  Fashionista Kate

Sunday, March 4, 2012

super puppy

This totally amazing puppy leaves me completely speechless!!
The little dog is a protector of all things that are cute, just like him.  I rate this dog 100%

*Nice accessories
*sooooooo cute
*awesome theme

One cute pup

OMG is the words that would represent this one cute picture.  With the school girl look, and a hint of trouble this cute pup is to die for!!  It definitely represents an A+  The percentage I would give it would be a 100%.

Bye for now,
Fashionista Jasmine

Emily's outfit!:)

Today I (Jasmine) am going to grade one of our editors (Emily) favorite outfit!!
First of all I L.O.V.E. the colors she chose, it reminds me of a rainbow.  I also love how it matches, but the only thing I would recommend would be some strappy sandals, and a necklace and a bracelet!

Overall however I would give this outfit a 92%

Bye for now- Jasmine:)

Emily's report on Kate's outfit

This is an outfit from one of our editors.I rate her a 96.  It is an extremely cute look ..... a nice pair of jeans ,a classic Aero shirt , and a wonderful pair of shoes. It could use a slight accessory but other than that perfect!!!