Saturday, February 18, 2012


Hello and welcome to Your Fashion Report.  Before we get started with all the latest trends, fashions how about we introduce ourselves.(Jasmine, Kate)  We are both the editors (as of now), and really hope this will be a success!  We have been friends for over 8 years now, and are still best friends.  We also have another close friend (Emily) that spends a lot of time with us, and maybe might join the team of this great blog(:

Okay well we hope you enjoy this blog, and use it to keep up with fashion.

If you would like to be graded on, please don't hesitate to email us at  *we will only grade appropriate pictures, and we will try to get the pictures up as soon as possible!!

Bye for now,


1 comment:

  1. what i mean about the pictures is to send a picture of u, and we will give u a report card on what u look like(:

    We will also accept animals, or even a cute outfit u bought but you don't want to be in the picture(:
